Season Ticket Holders can redeem beginning August 22.
General Public Tickets for sale beginning August 30.

Performance Dates

To Kill A Mockingbird

Adapted by Christopher Sergel. From the novel by Harper Lee.

Merryman Performing Arts Center
225 West 22nd Street • Kearney, Nebraska

October 3-5 7 pm
October 6 2 pm

Adults $25
Students $15
Tickets available online or by calling 308-627-5796.
*To Kill a Mockingbird is recommended for ages 10 and up.

A Literary Masterpiece!

Harper Lee’s literary masterpiece, To Kill a Mockingbird, comes to life on stage! Join young Scout Finch as she embarks on a journey through the complexities of morality, discrimination, and empathy in the Deep South during the 1930s. This powerful and thought-provoking play brings to light the timeless themes of justice and compassion, as Atticus Finch, one of literature’s most iconic characters, defends a wrongly accused black man in a racially charged trial. With the help of Atticus, and her older brother Jem, Scout learns that “growing up” often means doing what is right, even when it comes at a great cost. Presented at the Merryman Performing Arts Center, To Kill A Mockingbird is a must-see for both newcomers and longtime fans of the novel.



Atticus Finch
Maudie Atkinson
Stephanie Crawford
Mrs. Dubose
Mayella Ewell
Sheriff Heck Tate
Walter Cunningham
Reverend Sykes
Tom Robinson
Boo Radley
Judge Taylor
Link Deas/Ensemble

Coming Soon!

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