A recent graduate from Amherst High School, Kyrstin Hughes was involved in speech, one act, band, and choir. She has qualified for several honor bands and choirs, including Masonic All-Star Marching Band for 4 years. She was also accepted into All State Choir as a soprano her junior year. Kyrstin was in the Crane River Theater productions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and Wizard Of Oz. Being involved in Crane River Theater inspired her to go back to her school and become the student director of the one act. Kyrstin also designed the set, costumes and makeup, as well as acting in the production. She was named Outstanding Actress at both conference and district competitions for her school. She took her team to state where she also named Outstanding Actress from her school. In past years, she has qualified for State Speech in Serious Prose and Entertainment. This fall, Kyrstin will be attending Wayne State College to major in Speech Communications (Theater Arts), and hopes to continue her career of performing.