While this is Zachary’s first time performing with the Crane River Theater, he is no stranger to the stage. A life-long singer, Zach is extremely excited to have the opportunity to perform in his first show in Nebraska. Native to Massachusetts, Zach grew up singing in choirs, a capella groups, and musicals throughout high school and college. Getting to perform as a main soloist in choir pieces like “Misa Criolla” and being the Tenor 1 in the Music Man barbershop quartet are a few of his favorite singing accomplishments. After a few year hiatus following the move to Nebraska, Zach is participating in the Platte River Singers Choir, and searching for new opportunities to perform and express his love for music. Zach is an avid gamer, entertainer, and event organizer. He would like to thank the director for the ability to continue entertaining others and getting to share a stage with an amazing cast. He also wants to thank his family and friends for pushing him to continue singing and performing, a passion he will always cherish.